Grooming Articles

How to get your dogs flowing coat to sit smooth...
If your dogs are like most, they seem to know just when a really important show is coming up and The most often questions asked are how to get a...
How to get your dogs flowing coat to sit smooth...
If your dogs are like most, they seem to know just when a really important show is coming up and The most often questions asked are how to get a...

Stain Removal For Your Dogs Coat
Staining can be an issue. Plush Puppy has some advice on what you can do it provide an active life for your dogs and what is the best products to...
Stain Removal For Your Dogs Coat
Staining can be an issue. Plush Puppy has some advice on what you can do it provide an active life for your dogs and what is the best products to...

Maximise The Volume Of Your Dogs Coat Pre-Show
If your dogs are like most, they just seem to know just when a really important show is coming up and decide to blow coat and it comes out in...
Maximise The Volume Of Your Dogs Coat Pre-Show
If your dogs are like most, they just seem to know just when a really important show is coming up and decide to blow coat and it comes out in...

A perspective on grooming
Grooming comes under the heading of evolution and new technology. Like all things, it must change as our lifestyles and affluence change. Do you wear the same hairstyle you wore...
A perspective on grooming
Grooming comes under the heading of evolution and new technology. Like all things, it must change as our lifestyles and affluence change. Do you wear the same hairstyle you wore...

The Winning Show Dogs Preperation Guide
Whilst most of us enjoy the social aspects of showing, ultimately, we go to a show to see how worthy our dog is of the various awards on offer. The...
The Winning Show Dogs Preperation Guide
Whilst most of us enjoy the social aspects of showing, ultimately, we go to a show to see how worthy our dog is of the various awards on offer. The...

A Lot Of Froth And Bubble, Natural Quality In O...
One hears so much about the necessity to use or not use a good quality pet shampoo now is the time to put the record straight. Just because a friend...
A Lot Of Froth And Bubble, Natural Quality In O...
One hears so much about the necessity to use or not use a good quality pet shampoo now is the time to put the record straight. Just because a friend...